ATX Power Supply Conversion – Part 1

Am having an old ATX power supply, no longer used for about few years, sitting there in a box.

So, after some time, I just had an idea to convert it to a DC power supply.

Yeah, you might find some other guides on converting the unit, but the reason why I still write it here is nothing but to note and share my research / testing / interest to the public, in my words.


Let’s get started. I assume that you already had the power supply in front of you.

  1. Test the power supply by connecting any BLACK wire to GREEN wire. If the power supply fan is running, then your power supply is working fine. You may proceed. BUT BEFORE PROCEEDING to step 2, please unplug your power supply cable and leave it for while to allow.DSC_9351
  2. Open up the case.DSC_9352
  3. Cut the cables and group them according to color; BLACK, ground wire, ORANGE. -3.3V, RED, -5V and YELLOW, -12V. You may ignore the rest. ๐Ÿ™‚ DSC_9353
  4. Assemble the cables accordingly. DSC_9354
  5. You may choose the option to let the power supply turn on once the wall plug is turn on or to add another switch to the power supply.ย For the first option, directly connect the GREEN and BLACK wire. For my case, I put a switch to control it.DSC_9355
  6. Finalising and tidying the cables.
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  7. Done. You may put label to make you life easier.

We are done for the first / basic part. I’ll enhance this project in future.

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