Not so happy ending; Hyptv EC6108V8 – Playstore – Not 100% Working.
1) Playstore installed on the updated hyptv box will no longer allow user to install apps using it. error 190 will be prompted. so, user still have to use the browser method to do first time installation.
may refer to my blog entry here or direct link to YouTube here for installation guidance.
2) ‘Purchase….’ error on astro on the go apps will disappear once login to the playstore. At least the annoying error message can be avoided.
Credit to Chewan Azana for the details shared on the tips in getting the aotg to be working on the hyptv box.
My 2 cents; if you are serious in streaming, just buy a new android box available on market. Hyptv box only have 1GB ram and still using Android 4.4.2. Fyi, latest available Android version on market is Android 9.
Assalam tuan,sy bru tukr dr unifi ke maxis fibre,problem nya adalah myiptv hanya boleh utk channel tv1 dan masih gunakan box android tm.apa yg perlu dibuat adakah setting nya salaj atau perlu tkr pada android box yg lain?
ws. saya gunakan box saya dengan TIME internet tanpa masalah. mungkin maxis ada buat sesuatu untuk block penggunaan