Hello to all Hyptv Set Top Box – Huawei EC6108 user. Here the ENGLISH version for the MALAY entry regarding the recovery of Hyptv Set Top Box – Huawei EC6108V8 – Playstore – ADB method.
This method was found by someone else and the credit belongs to him, the founder. Me, just putting up the notes here to be shared.
For this method, you going to need a computer with Windows OS.
Here the steps:
1. Ensure that your Hyptv Set Top Box – Huawei EC6108 is ON and connected to your home network using WIFI.
2. Your computer must be on the same network
3. Get the IP of your Hyptv Set Top Box – Huawei EC6108. There’s a lot of method of doing so, here I shared the one I’m using:
– On your Hyptv Set Top Box – Huawei EC6108, launch the Setting/About. It will show your Hyptv Set Top Box – Huawei EC6108’s MAC address. Note that down. Advance user may assign static IP.
– Using the app named Fing – Network Tools (android/ios), installed on your phone, match the mac address and the IP of your Hyptv Set Top Box – Huawei EC6108. Note the IP for next steps. In this sample, the IP is Advance user who had assigned the static IP to the box may skip this.
** Next steps are on you computer. Download the tools here before start. Tools Download.
4. Extract or unzip the downloaded file. Normally, the file will be in the DOWNLOAD folder of your computer.
5. Open the ‘root’ folder of ‘Huawei_STB_Management’. Launch the program, CMD. If you notice, I had placed few apks in this folder. This is to ease the installation steps.
Note: If there’s warning message, click ‘RUN’ to process, ‘CANCEL’ to end the process.
6. Test the connection to your Hyptv Set Top Box – Huawei EC6108 using ‘ping’.
Type ping <ip address box> and press [ENTER]. i.e: ping
Ping result: OK
7. Next, open the folder ‘STBManageTool’ of ‘Huawei_STB_Management’ folder. Launch the program ‘STBManageTool’.
Note: If there’s warning message, click ‘RUN’ to process, ‘CANCEL’ to end the process.
Note: If there’s warning message, click ‘ALLOW ACCCESS’ to process, ‘CANCEL’ to end the process.
8. Do as below
a) Select license. It should be in the same folder.
b) Click to proceed
9. Do as below:
a) After step 8, above screen should be displayed. If not, press the tab labelled (a) as above.
b) Type the IP of your Hyptv Set Top Box – Huawei EC6108
c) Select Huawei
d) Type the password. Ensure the dot is there >> .287aW
e) Press (e) to connect to your Hyptv Set Top Box – Huawei EC6108
f) Notice the MAC. It is the MAC LAN, NOT WIFI.
g) Choose the option as above.
h) Click to proceed.
10. Open the CMD screen you use for ‘pinging’ the box just now. If you had closed it, you may refer to step (5) to relaunch.
11. Type adb connect <ip address> and press [ENTER]
12. Install the APK as needed. To me, APKPURE is the only one. With that, you may install ES Explorer for the next steps.
Type adb install <apk name>
ADB install SUCCESS:
You may install other apps using this method. To ease your work, put the apk files into the ‘root’ folder as mentioned.
Good luck.
Salam tuan,
link http://lynk.my/ZbSGK0 sudak tidak available.
Ada link baru?
assalam n hi bro….stock firmware utk hypptv ec6108v8 ada keluar x,nak cari kt mna…terima kasih utk bantuan
ws. sy tiada stock firmware utk box ni. tq.
Blh update box punyer firmware sampai version brape ye paling latest?sbb nk bg apk2 yg baru blh support kalau x ada cara lain x selain cari version apk2 yg lama?
box tm hanya android 4.4.2
bli box android 5.0 above
do you know how to do this from a mac?
Sorry, not sure bout that.
Passwords not working for ec6108v8
Box updated. http://lynk.my/Fwoaq to confirm
@Faizalnordin, before using the STB Management tools, should we “enable” the STB setting something like remote maintenance setting, normally it will ask for the password. Do you have those maintenance passwords ? Thanks.
EC6108v8 sy pnya msh old version xde SPC tp xleh connect ke STB . Password & IP dh betul. bila tekan connect, xde info kluar..
Sila pastikan langkah yg betul.
Hi. Ikut sahaja langkah2 diberi.
Assalam Tn, apa guna dn bagaimana nak install install, install-recovery.sh, install-recovery-2.sh dan su. sy dh installed apkpure_app_2004.apk tp x bleh list apax dlm featured dll. Error “Refresh” button. Any help is much appreciated. wslm
wsalam. sy x pasti apa soalan yg cuba diutarakan ataupun masalah yg dihadapi.
Xpe…sy dh settle. TQVM
Lepas habis semua can i connect my stb to wired lan?
if u r using unifi and wanna watch hypptv, YES. LAN is a must.
Your are THE MAN En Faizal
Salam tuan,
kalau buka semua repository contohnya dramanice or 123movies, tapi error: Check the log for more information. Tuan ada suggestion?
wsalam. repo? kodi? self explained message. boleh check log untuk info. kebiasaannya kuar error tu sebab failed to connect to server.
Salam Bro,
saya ada masalah sms tgk hypptv. kadang2 dia jd gelap then keluar satelite symbol with x mark on it. semua channel jd mcm tu. harap bro bleh tlg thanks.
wsalam. itu masalah connection. sila hubungi TM. untuk bantuan.